Eco Donations: Honduras

New year, same A4. We are really excited to see what 2024 brings us, with plenty of exciting projects on the horizon. We start off the year planting 103 trees in Honduras, as well as our largest ever Ocean Clean Up donation of £70. We also have our partnerships with 30 football teams for Green Football Weekend (Feb 2nd-Feb 5th) where we will be planting a tree for every goal scored.

As we look ahead to 2024 we would love to break our record from 2023 of 1115 trees planted world wide via the ‘One Tree Planted‘ foundation. With a target to beat of £655 to ‘The Ocean Cleanup Project‘. We can’t thank you enough for such a positive start to the year!

Our Impact on Honduras

Honduras is still dotted with hotspots of biodiversity, providing homes for macaws, jaguars, and giant iguanas. Within the forestlands of the mountainous Nombre de Dios region, deforestation has put these hotspots under threat. Honduras’ dry corridor region is highly vulnerable to extreme weather events. But now we have an opportunity to restore some of the areas that have been damaged to help the forests thrive again!

This project focuses on repairing critical ecosystems, improving the quality and availability of water, increasing rural farmer productivity, diversifying farmer incomes, and establishing long-term ecosystem restoration activities with the community, including the creation of community nurseries and training community members on sustainable forest nursery management.

Our partners will determine the most appropriate native species of tree to plant, depending on the time of year. This project primarily focuses on planting exotic hardwoods in order to restore forests damaged by illegal logging, and shade-dependent cacao plants, which will diversify income for local farmers. Species include mahogany, cedar, guanandi, bully tree, pouteria, sweetgum, evergreen tree, chewstick, velvet tamarind, and allspice.

Honduras is considered the 5th biodiversity hotspot in the world, with over 1,200 known species of amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles. Healthy forests provide habitat for rare and endangered species

The Ocean Cleanup

As the Ocean Cleanup Project look ahead to 2024, they have immediatley announced this January that they are partnering with Bharat Clean Rivers Foundation to fight plastic pollution in Mumbai, India. The CEO excitingly tweeted the confirmation of their return to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Explaining that during 2024 they’ll conduct five campaigns (7 weeks each), the focus will be on maximising uptime, system efficiency and the ability to target hotspots within the patch.

An incredible charity and project like this will help the oceans around the world. Through their ocean cleans as well as their river interceptors around the globe reducing the amount of plastic that enter the ocean in the first place. Here is a great video of the effect these river interceptors have on the local community in Jamaica.

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